Platinum Gold Radio Brand Boost
Written by Platinum Gold Radio on April 15, 2021
Platinum Gold Radio understands the challenges businesses are facing
The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on many businesses struggling to reach markets
Does your business need a boost on Platinum Gold Radio?
What will successful applicants receive:
- Platinum Gold Radio will interview your business live on air
- Presence in the Platinum Gold Radio Shop
- A discounted membership for the African Business Communication’s Group
- A discounted advertising package for Platinum Gold Radio
If you have a business that needs a Brand Boost, complete the form here and tell us about your products / services
General Terms and Conditions:
- All Brand Boost interviews are subject to a evaluation process from the Platinum Gold Radio Team prior to approval
- Applications does not automatically guarantee Brand Boost
- Platinum Gold radio reserves all rights associated with the promotion
- Subject to availability
- No existing bookings may be converted
- This promotion is not permitted for any other promotions, special offers, competitions currently available by Platinum Gold Radio
- No other incentives or discounts will be applicable unless otherwise stated
- This offer is only available on Platinum Gold Radio and not on Platinum Gold Studios sister stations
- Errors and Omissions Excepted (E &OE)
- All Vandasol Groups Standard Terms & Conditions Apply